What Vegetables Should I Be Eating?

I know many people out there struggle on a day to day basis to get some vegetables in their diet. Now, don’t get me wrong, I myself hate vegetables, and casually/willingly manage to leave it out of my diet, but it is an important factor and it should be touched up upon.  So, What vegetables should i be eating? I have put together 5 great vegetables that can be combined with any dish. whether it be a sweet dish or savoury, it will blend in with anything you want!

1. Rhubarb

These almost look like celery sticks, except they have a tint of green and some reddish areas on them.  These things are high in fiber and calcium.

2. Leeks

These almost look like green onions. They are in fact from the same family as those. Its close with shallots, garlic and so forth, however this has a slightly milder taste. It is also very good for fiber and it is a great source of antioxidants.

3.  Eggplant or Baby Eggplant

I think it's safe to say that we all know what and where we can buy our eggplants from. any local grocery shop should carry these bad boys . Eggplants are usually good for having a healthy weight as well as making your nails, skin and hair healthier. to top if off, they are also very low in carbs.

4. Beets

I personally cannot stand beets. I do not like the smell or taste of them, but if and when I have it laying around in my house I do tend to use it. They are a good form of antioxidants, they can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and it can be used to detox your body. I know of some restaurants that actually use the bright color of this vegetable as food coloring.

5. Rutabaga

I call this the confused vegetable, because it simply is. It’s a mix up of a cabbage and a turnip. It helps boost your immune system while providing great vitamin c as well as helps promote a healthy digestive system.

Working with dumbbells

I'd like to touch on a brief category. Let's talk about dumbbells for a second. You don’t always have to use machines, in fact using dumbbells is a great way to keep your workout exciting, entertaining as well as keep you interested in the workout regiment that you have planned for yourself. Besides, learning to use dumbbells has great benefits.

We won't get into the exact details whether one is better than the other, because both forms are workout are just as good as each other, but we can look at some things that doing workouts with dumbbells will improve.

Benefits of Working out With Dumbbells

Strengthening Your Core

when talking about dumbbells, "strengthening your core" comes up often. This is true, when moving a dumbbell, you require the stability of your entire core/body to prevent the dumbbell from tipping over or falling to the side. Think about how much core you really use when doing a machine exercise? not much right?

More Functional

Now, you might ask what exactly does "functional" mean? well, in regular terms, it simply means that it helps train your body for regular everyday activities. Meaning, that when you are doing one exercise, you are actually working more than one muscle, which is more beneficial to your body and can help more in your everyday tasks.

Power that is Unilateral

What do I mean by that? It's simple, I think we all have an arm or leg that is stronger than the other. for example my left hand is stronger than my right, and my right leg is stronger than my left. Now with dumbbell workouts, one side cant compensate for the other side as they are both individually supported. Getting in a good dumbbell exercise will help both sides of your body grow strength evenly.

More Calories Burnt During Your Exercise

With all that said, now that you are using dumbbells and using more muscles to lift the weight, it simply means that you are also burning more calories. You will also notice you are sweating a lot more when doing dumbbell exercises and that’s also because more muscles are being used to push/pull that weight.

With this comes core improvements, stability, more strength and overall stronger workouts. So go right ahead and give some dumbbells a try. Don’t be afraid! 

Cold Avocado Soup

Food, something we all love! and I personally cannot stay away from. that is where my struggle comes from.  I got something we will all love! a soup that you don’t need an oven, a heater, a store or anything in that nature. pure no-cook 10 minute soup!

I mean we all know how to cook a bunch of meals that don’t involve the over or any heat like sandwiches or what not, but have you tried making a no cook soup? it probably does not sound to entertaining, but these are BOMB DOT COM! They are filling and darn refreshing for the hot days we have been having lately. The best part about all this is that you can have this soup ready to eat in a matter of seconds. Probably as long as it would take your over to heat up!

This soup was inspired by a Latin and spicy flavour. It is going to be filled with the protein you need, the healthy fats as well ton of fresh flavours you will enjoy in the summer, all in a total of 10 minutes! If you are looking to eat more, you can add a healthy sandwich to the side of this to keep you going!

Cold Avocado Soup


·         1 tsp salt
·         1 lime
·         half a cup of cilantro
·         jalapeno as much as u wish to make it spicy
·         2-3 ripe avovados
·         1 1/2 cup of any vegetable stock
·         1 garlic

What to do

It's so simple, take everything you got, put it in a high speed blender, and let it run until completely smooth. Taste it and add ingredients if you wish. Its ready to eat, or you can put it in the fridge to eat it chilled.


390 Calories
13.4 Grams of Protein
17 Grams of carbs
31.6 Grams of fat

The Perfect Workout Gear

Summer is slowly coming to an end. You are either heading back to school or not. Regardless it is a great time to start all over and put a some extra focus on becoming fit and living a healthier lifestyle!

growing up, everyone always saw the beginning of the new school year as a brand new start a good year! This meant that there was going to be new classrooms, brand new friends and of course brand new teachers that we have never met before in most cases.  For me, the only thing that did not change was the uniform. being able to wear the exact same uniforms made it easier for the first day of school because there was nobody to impress and everyone looked the EXACT SAME!

Now why am I talking about my school years? well the same thing happens at the gym. Give it a good thought for a second. Every night you go out, you put on that sexy dress or make sure you look good going out? no? Well, why shouldn't you do the same with your workout gear? They do say, it is easier to achieve success with a heavy and confident first step!

But the upside is that, there is no right way or wrong way to dress for working out! Regardless you want your gym bag to be filled with clothes that are flexible, leave you comfortable and on top of all make you look and feel good about yourself!

Here are some things to take into consideration when you are looking to make out your wardrobe for your upcoming workout.

1. Would you take a walk in it?

you want to wear something that you are comfortable with wearing when going for a walk outside. If you can wear what you are comfortable with outside the gym, then the same will apply when you put it on to go inside the gym.

2. Figure out how often and how many times you want to work out during the week.

I tend to go to the gym 5-6 times a week. this means that I need to put aside at least 5-6 outfits to last my until the next cycle. Doing this not only keeps your prepared but it eliminates any excuses you may have to go to the gym.

3. Enjoy your outfit! and Look good!

Be sure you are comfortable in your clothes. Straight up,  if you are not comfortable u probably will not want to leave to head anywhere, never mind the gym! Wear clothes that feel light, breathable and are within your comfort zone!

4. Be sure to protect those feet!

I mean, we all wear shoes everywhere we go! but be sure you are wearing shoes based on the exercise you plan on doing. this can help with your comfort level, your form as well as prevent any injuries from occurring.

Overall, go out there, give yourself a little shopping spree and be sure to figure out and find something you will be comfortable in! It's not rocket science. But you do have to be comfortable to go to the gym, especially when there are so many individuals that are in shape. It can be intimidating and we will talk about that in our later articles!

Peace and Love!

Its Your Boy!

Ali Baba!

Green Detox Shake

Since the weekend has officially come to an end, I think it was best to upload this green detox shake to help everyone recover from the mass amounts of alcohol they consumed over the last couple of nights.

We, Including myself have all most likely woke up from a severe headache, and we are excited to get back into it and feel like ourselves again. This smoothie is one of my best ways to get back on track after spending 3 nights with alcohol.

This simple yet effective drink helps give the body vital nutrients (we will need this because we were all too busy probably consuming empty calories and sugary drinks at the local bar/club), and helps hydrate the body.

Some people might say "yuk, its green I don’t like eating anything green". Do not panic, even though it looks gruesome and nasty, I promise you that it is a great detox shake!

The final result will consists of a creamy, smooth and tasteful smoothie.

PS. Mentally speaking, you will feel healthier while drinking something that is green! and that is a proven fact!

Green Detox Shake

The following recipe makes two wonderfully green smoothies.

What you will need:
·        half a cup of unsweetened almond milk
·        half a cup of fresh orange juice
·        half a cup of Greek yogurt, low fat is preferred
·        3 beautiful cubes of ice
·        1 or 2 handfuls of spinach
·        a large banana
·        OPTIONAL: if you feel you need protein, ad a scoop of whey protein in there.
·        OPTIONAL 2: help boost your body's immune system by adding apricot seeds to the mix.

Take all the ingredients there and add them to your choice of blender, and let that blend, let it blend until it is rich and smoothie to your liking. (note if you added the apricot seeds, I would blend it on high, and low intensity for at least 3-5 minutes. 

Everyone Wants to Change! But What Is the Secret?

Change Your Body
Ladies and Gentleman, this is the first blog post here on Ali Baba Fitness, and I hope to god you guys like it and continue to follow it in the future. There will be lots of laughter, tears, food and motivation along the way! Stick with me through the journey!

Now back to the Change!

Let me start off by saying that you should want to change your body because you love it, not because you hate it, or because you are fat.

With that said, if you are struggling to see results from the current path and fitness efforts you are on. Just simply change your approach. 

Your body has the tendency to get used to the stuff you are doing and will adapt itself to a situation that gets repeated day in and day out. This is when you need to throw your body a curve ball. Change it up. 

Now how do you know if you need to change it up? or step up a bit? Well, your body will give you these signs. Notice that you have been doing everything the exact same but there is no increase in your strength or no decrease in your weight loss? Cha Ching! This is when you need to step back and take your approach a little differently for a bit.

Now here is the best part. Not only am I talking, increasing your reps, running longer, doing different exercises which we will get into down the road, but I am talking about giving yourself that ONCE A WEEK, CHEAT MEAL. Notice how cheat meal is underlined. For many people this one cheat meals turns into a cheat day or even worse turns into a eating contest for one sitting. No, this is a cheat meal!

Ever since I can remember, I have always been a big fan of cheat meals. As I am a big fan of throwing your body curve balls. Why is it good? well your body is so used to consuming less calories during the week for 6 days straight, it becomes used to it. When giving yourself that ONE cheat meal, you throw your buddy into a different mode, almost like a shock. The body sees the onslaught of calories pouring in and it has to work hard to burn these calories and it's something totally different from the last 6 days.

This brings us to your workout regiment and how you should change it up so you can continue to grow/lose weight as you wish.

By changing your workout regiment, I don’t necessarily mean to run longer, or do more sets, I simply mean do a different biceps exercise. Do a different back exercise then the one you have been doing. You see even the slightest change in your workout will give you that simple change that tells your body to wake up and start performing.

Basically the secret is fairly simple, and it's not something that can't be achieved. We are human, and as humans anything repetitive that we do for a certain period of time, we get used to it. Our body's are they exact same way. They become used to the change, and simply stop performing. So change up your diet, increase your calories, decrease your weights, go to the jungle gym, do push-ups while holding your baby brother, biceps curls on the toilet! Whatever it be, just change it up!